main() { rotate_obj = getentarray("rotate","targetname"); if(isdefined(rotate_obj)) for(i=0;i, ); if (self.script_noteworthy == "z") self rotateYaw(360,self.speed); else if (self.script_noteworthy == "x") self rotateRoll(360,self.speed); else if (self.script_noteworthy == "y") self rotatePitch(360,self.speed); wait (self.speed-0.1); // removes the slight hesitation that waittill("rotatedone"); gives. // self waittill("rotatedone"); } } rotate_topper() { if (!isdefined(self.speed)) self.speed = 10; if (!isdefined(self.script_noteworthy)) self.script_noteworthy = "z"; for(;;) { // rotateYaw(float rot, float time, , ); if (self.script_noteworthy == "z") self rotateYaw(360,self.speed); else if (self.script_noteworthy == "x") self rotateRoll(360,self.speed); else if (self.script_noteworthy == "y") self rotatePitch(360,self.speed); wait (self.speed-0.1); // removes the slight hesitation that waittill("rotatedone"); gives. // self waittill("rotatedone"); } }