//*************************************************************************************************************************** //COD4 - ACE Server Config Setup and Init //*************************************************************************************************************************** //Server Configuration for File Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer //Updated : April 20 2008 by Wildcard //Email : wildcard@wildcardsonline.nl //Support WebSite: http://www.wildcardonline.nl //This config file controls the server settings //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Colour Codes //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Colours for text. Do not clear the comment in front of the colour codes. // Useful for your server name, motd msg's - Information and ref use only // // ^1 = Red // ^2 = Green // ^3 = Yellow // ^4 = Blue // ^5 = Cyan // ^6 = pink/Magenta // ^7 = White // ^0 = Black //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Public Information //*************************************************************************************************************************** sets sv_hostname "^1{TB} ^324/7 nukeTOWN" sets _Admin "^1{TB}^7Killer_^41" sets _Email "sbilotta@tampabay.rr.com" sets _Website "http://www.team-brutaliry.com" sets _Location "Tampa Bay, Florida" sets _Irc "" sets _Mod "^1ACE" sets _ModVer "1.8d" sets _ModUpdate "20-04-08" sets _Maps "COD4 Stock and Custom" set scr_motd "Shoot To Kill....Really!!" //set g_motd "Shoot To Kill....Really!!" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Common Server Settings //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Linux or Windows server, only set to 1 if your server is Linux // 0 = windows, 1 = linux. default = 0 (windows) set ace_islinuxserver "0" // Log Settings set logfile "1" // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled set g_log "games_mp.log" // Name of log file, default is games_mp.log set g_logsync "2" // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append // Network options set net_ip "" // Set your servers IP address set net_port "28960" // Set your port number set com_hunkMegs "512" set net_noipx "1" // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server communications // Server Network Mode set dedicated "2" // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet set developer "0" set loc_warnings "0" // Master servers set sv_master1 "cod4master.activision.com" set sv_gamespy "1" // Password Settings set rcon_password "tbkiller2850" // RCON must supply pw to use set sv_privatePassword "" // Private slots, non-public slots // The following can be used to lock out the server so that only those // players that have been provide the password can connect. Good for // matches, practices, etc. set g_password "" // Player slots setup set sv_maxclients "16" // MAX server player slots, this is TOTAL player slots //ui_maxclients "32" set sv_privateclients "" // Number of private player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots // Ping set sv_minPing "0" // MIN player ping on CONNECT, any lower and player isnt allowed to connect set sv_maxping "400" // MAX player ping on CONNECT, any higher and player isnt allowed to connect // Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps set sv_allowdownload "1" seta sv_wwwDownload "1" seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://www.jrbush.com/cod4" seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // Enhanced redirect // This feature will allow your server to send maps/mods from different locations. // 0 = No, 1 = Yes, Default = 0 set ace_redirect "1" // Enter your default settings here. This is required if the mod is enabled! set ace_allowDownload "1" // 0 = No, 1 = Yes, Default = 1) set ace_wwwDownload "1" // 0 = No, 1 = Yes, Default = 0) set ace_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // 0 = No, 1 = Yes, Default = 0) set ace_wwwBaseURL "http://www.jrbush.com/cod4" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Your "map-specific" settings go here. The examples shown are disabled with: // //set ace_allowDownload_mp_canada "0" //do not allow downloads on this map //set ace_wwwDownload_mp_subway "0" //download this from server, not HTTP //set ace_wwwDlDisconnected_mp_oase "1" //disconnect player while downloading //set ace_wwwBaseURL_mp_village "http://your.redirect1.com/redirect" //set ace_wwwBaseURL_mp_stonetown "http://your.redirect2.com/redirect" //set ace_wwwBaseURL_mp_offensive "http://your.redirect3.com/redirect" // NOTE: If you have other client downloads (such as weapons/sound/graphics) you // will need the mod.ff and .iwd files on EVERY redirection site that you setup. //server rate set sv_maxRate "25000" // FPS set sv_fps "500" set sv_connectTimeout "300" // Drop inactive players set sv_timeout "300" set g_inactivity "0" set g_inactivityspectator "0" set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // Anti Cheat Settings set sv_disableClientConsole "0" set cl_autocmd "0" set sv_cheats "0" set sv_pure "1" set g_banIPs "" set g_no_script_spam "1" set sv_punkbuster "0" // Temporary Ban duration, in seconds set sv_kickBanTime "3600" // In-game voice communication system set sv_voice "1" set sv_voiceQuality "3" set voice_deadChat "4" set g_deadChat "1" set voice_global "1" set voice_localEcho "0" // Voting set g_allowVote "0" set g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5" set g_oldVoting "1" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Misc //*************************************************************************************************************************** set sv_allowAnonymous "0" set g_antilag "1" set ace_anti_lag "1" set g_smoothClients "1" set g_compassShowEnemies "0" set scr_drawfriend "0" // HUD and Environmental Stuff set scr_enable_scoretext "1" set scr_fog_disable "0" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // gameplay //*************************************************************************************************************************** set scr_game_allowkillcam "0" set scr_game_onlyheadshots "0" set scr_game_deathpointloss "0" set scr_game_suicidepointloss "0" set scr_game_spectatetype "2" //0-2 (disabled, team/players only, free) set scr_game_forceuav "0" set scr_game_hardpoints "1" set scr_game_graceperiod "15" set scr_game_matchstarttime "0" set scr_game_playerwaittime "40" set g_speed "350" set g_gravity "850" set scr_enable_music "1" set scr_toybox_music "1" set scr_city_music "1" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // (stock)music , 0 = off, 1 = on, default = 1 This disables/enables the starting, ending, victory, defeat, suspence music //*************************************************************************************************************************** //set ace_enable_music "1" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // hardpoints //*************************************************************************************************************************** set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery "1" set scr_hardpoint_allowuav "1" set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter "1" set scr_hardpoint_allowsupply "1" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Testclients (punkbuster MUST be OFF if you want to use this!!!) //*************************************************************************************************************************** //set scr_testclients "10" // freeze the testclients so they dont walk around //set ace_botfreeze "1" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Compass hitblip, 0 = off, 1 = on, default = 1 //*************************************************************************************************************************** set ace_showcompassping "0" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Ranking //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Ranking up, 0 = unmodded or ranked server method, unlock perks and weps and custom classes // 1 = ranking up with all weapons and perks available from the start ...no custom classes // default = 0 set ace_fullmetal "1" // show xp hud score points (+5 etc)..only is shown (if enabled) in ace_fullmetal "0" // 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, default = 1 //set ace_show_xpscore "0" // show xp hud progress bar // 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, default = 1 //set ace_showxpbar "0" //*************************************************************************************************************************** // Init & Exec CFG Files //*************************************************************************************************************************** exec admin.cfg wait exec playercontrol.cfg wait exec ambientfx.cfg wait exec healthcontrol.cfg wait exec nightmod.cfg wait exec weaponcontrol.cfg wait exec gametypes.cfg wait exec maprotation.cfg