//****************************************************************************** // _____ _ _ __ // | _ | | | | | / _| // | | | |_ __ ___ _ __ | | | | __ _ _ __| |_ __ _ _ __ ___ // | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| |/\| |/ _` | '__| _/ _` | '__/ _ \ // \ \_/ / |_) | __/ | | \ /\ / (_| | | | || (_| | | | __/ // \___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|\/ \/ \__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_| \___| // | | We don't make the game you play. // |_| We make the game you play BETTER. // // Website: http://openwarfaremod.com/ //****************************************************************************** // WELCOME SCREEN, SERVER MESSAGES, AND SERVER BANNERS // ALL VARIABLES WORK IN RANKED AND UNRANKED MODES //****************************************************************************** // PLEASE REMEMBER TO UNCOMMENT THE LINES BY REMOVING THE DOUBLE SLASHES (//) // WHEN CHANGING A VALUE. PLEASE DO NOT UNCOMMENT LINES SET TO DEFAULT VALUES. //****************************************************************************** // COLOR CODES //****************************************************************************** // ^1 = Red // ^2 = Green // ^3 = Yellow // ^4 = Blue // ^5 = Cyan // ^6 = pink/Magenta // ^7 = White // ^0 = Black //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // WELCOME SCREEN //****************************************************************************** // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enable, 2 = Enable (only in-game menu) set scr_welcome_enable "1" // Title to be displayed in the Welcome Screen. By default it uses the server's name. // set scr_welcome_title "Welcome to our server!" // Lines to display in the welcome screen (up to 8 lines of text) set scr_welcome_line_1 "^7Welcome to Forgotten Heroes custom maps server:" set scr_welcome_line_2 " * ^7Racist comments will not be tolerated." set scr_welcome_line_3 " * ^7Use of cheats such as but not limited to: aim-bots, wall hacks, etc are forbidden." set scr_welcome_line_4 " * ^7Use of map glitches which allow players to fire with impunity are forbidden." set scr_welcome_line_5 " * ^7Harassment of players because of a particular gaming style will not be tolerated." set scr_welcome_line_6 " * ^7Please remember to setup your new bind keys under the option ^3Multiplayer Controls^7." set scr_welcome_line_7 " * ^7Visit our website ^2www.fhclan.com set scr_welcome_line_8 " * ^7Modded by ^0{FH}m^3itsu^1rugi //****************************************************************************** // SERVER MESSAGES //****************************************************************************** // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enable set sv_enable_server_messages "1" // Dispaly the messages to the players only when they are dead // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enable // set sv_server_message_deadonly "0" // Show the name and gametype of the next map in the rotation. // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enable set sv_server_message_nextmap "1" // Delay in seconds between messages. Values: 1-120. Default value is 15. // set sv_server_messages_delay "15" // Delimiter to be used for line breaks // set sv_server_messages_linebreak "|" // List of messages (there's no limit in number of messages) //set sv_server_message_1 "^3[SERVER] ^7Welcome to the ^2OpenWarfare Mod^7 Server!" //set sv_server_message_2 "^3[SERVER] ^7Profane or vulgar language as well as racist comments will not be tolerated." //set sv_server_message_3 "^3[SERVER] ^7Use of cheats such as but not limited to: aim-bots, wall hacks, etc are forbidden." //set sv_server_message_4 "^3[SERVER] ^7Use of map glitches which allow players to fire with impunity are forbidden." //set sv_server_message_5 "^3[SERVER] ^7Although spawn killing is authorized, for the sake of good sportsmanship, it should be kept to a minimum." //set sv_server_message_6 "^3[SERVER] ^7Harassment of players because of a particular gaming style will not be tolerated." //set sv_server_message_7 "^3[SERVER] ^7Friendly Fire is ^2ON^7, please be careful and always apologize on accidental teamkills." //****************************************************************************** // SERVER BANNERS //****************************************************************************** // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enable //set sv_enable_server_banners "0" // Delay in seconds between banners. Values: 1-600. Default value is 10 seconds. // set sv_server_banners_delay "10" // Time the banner will be shown // 0 = The banner will show until it rotates to the next one (default) // 1-600 = The banner will show for this amount of seconds and then wait sv_server_banners_delay to show the next one // set sv_server_banners_time "0" // List of banners (there's no limit in number of messages) //set sv_server_banner_1 "^7Visit us at ^2http://openwarfaremod.com/^7 today!" //set sv_server_banner_2 "^7Running the ^2OpenWarfare^7 Mod!"