//****************************************************************************** // _____ _ _ __ // | _ | | | | | / _| // | | | |_ __ ___ _ __ | | | | __ _ _ __| |_ __ _ _ __ ___ // | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| |/\| |/ _` | '__| _/ _` | '__/ _ \ // \ \_/ / |_) | __/ | | \ /\ / (_| | | | || (_| | | | __/ // \___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|\/ \/ \__,_|_| |_| \__,_|_| \___| // | | We don't make the game you play. // |_| We make the game you play BETTER. // // Website: http://openwarfaremod.com/ //****************************************************************************** // MAP ROTATION // ALL VARIABLES WORK IN RANKED AND UNRANKED MODES //****************************************************************************** // PLEASE REMEMBER TO UNCOMMENT THE LINES BY REMOVING THE DOUBLE SLASHES (//) // WHEN CHANGING A VALUE. PLEASE DO NOT UNCOMMENT LINES SET TO DEFAULT VALUES. //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // GAMETYPES SUPPORTED BY OPENWARFARE //****************************************************************************** // "aon" - All or nothing // "ass" - Assassination (map must support Sabotage) // "bel" - Behind Enemy Lines (map must support Team Deathmatch) // "ch" - Capture and Hold (map must support Sabotage) // "ctf" - Capture the Flag (map must support Sabotage) // "dm" - Free for All // "dem" - Demolition // "dom" - Domination // "ftag" - Freeze Tag (map must support Team Deathmatch) // "gr" - Greed (map must support Free for All and Headquarters) // "grd" - Gridiron // "gg" - Gun Game (map must support Free for All) // "KC" - Kill Confirmed // "koth" - Headquarters // "hns" - Hide And Seek (map must support Team Deathmatch) // "lms" - Last Man Standing (map must support Free for All) // "lts" - Last Team Standing (map must support Team Deathmatch) // "oitc" - One In The Chamber (map must support Free for All) // "re" - Retrieval (map must support Search & Destroy) // "sab" - Sabotage // "sd" - Search & Destroy // "ss" - Sharp Shooter (map must support Free for All) // "war" - Team Deathmatch // "tgr" - Team Greed (map must support Sabotage) //****************************************************************************** // Default gametype used when the gametype is not specified in the map rotation // set g_gametype "" // Controls how many "fast restarts" of the current map should happen when the // game ends before rotating to the nex map // Allowed values: 0-500 (default is 0) // set scr_eog_fastrestart "0" //****************************************************************************** // AUTOMATIC ROTATION WHEN EMPTY //****************************************************************************** // Controls whether the server should rotate the map if empty for a certain time // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enabled set scr_rotateifempty_enable "1" // Time to automatically rotate the current map when empty // Allowed values: 60-3600 (default is 600) // set scr_rotateifempty_time "600" // If there are still players (in same team) or a single player a message will be // shown before forcing a rotate. // Allowed values: 0-60 (default is 15) // set scr_rotateifempty_grace_period "15" //****************************************************************************** // MAP ROTATION OPTIONS //****************************************************************************** // Enable map rotations based on amount of players connected to the server. // Once enabled the server admin can add _low, _medium, or _high to the map // rotations variables that will be automatically activated by the server based // on the number of players connected // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enabled // set sv_mapRotationLoadBased "0" // Scramble the map rotation when the server starts // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enabled // set sv_mapRotationScramble "0" //****************************************************************************** // AUTO-GENERATED MAP ROTATION (AUTO-GENERATED ROTATIONS WILL BE SCRAMBLED) //****************************************************************************** // Controls whether or not the server should generate the map rotation // 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enabled // set scr_mrcs_auto_generate "0" // Gametypes that will be used to auto-generate the map rotation (default is all the // gametypes supported by OpenWarfare) // set scr_mrcs_auto_gametypes "ass;bel;ch;ctf;dom;dm;ftag;gr;gg;koth;hns;lms;lts;oitc;re;sab;sd;ss;war;tgr" // Maps that will be used to auto-generate the map rotation (default is all the stock // maps). Format is "mp_mapname:gametype,gametype;mp_mapname:gametype,gametype;...". // If no gametype is listed for the map the default gametypes in scr_mrcs_auto_gametypes. // For example, "mp_carentan;dm,war;mp_overgrown". Multiple lines are supported. // set scr_mrcs_auto_maps_1 "mp_convoy;mp_backlot;mp_bloc;mp_bog;mp_broadcast;mp_carentan;mp_countdown;mp_crash;mp_creek;mp_crossfire;mp_citystreets;mp_farm;mp_killhouse;mp_overgrown;mp_pipeline;mp_shipment;mp_showdown;mp_strike;mp_cargoship;mp_crash_snow;mp_vacant" //****************************************************************************** // MAP ROTATION SETTINGS //****************************************************************************** // ATTENTION! //****************************************************************************** // Servers with big map rotations need to split them in several variables if // the string containing the map rotation exceeds the 1024 characters. To do // this please set up the rotation by using the auxiliary variables: // set sv_mapRotation "blah blah blah..." // set sv_mapRotation_1 "blah blah blah..." // set sv_mapRotation_2 "blah blah blah..." //****************************************************************************** //****************************************************************************** // WAR -- TEAM DEATHMATCH //****************************************************************************** set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_swamp map mp_firingrange map mp_shipment3 map mp_fregata map mp_cc map mp_asylum map mp_citi_swamp map mp_stream map mp_fav map mp_complex map mp_dassance map mp_pripyat map mp_summit map mp_zaseda map mp_castle_v1 map mp_area52" // map mp_citystreets map mp_convoy map mp_countdown map mp_crash map mp_creek map mp_crossfire map mp_farm map mp_killhouse map mp_overgrown map mp_pipeline map mp_shipment map mp_showdown map mp_strike map mp_vacant map mp_crash_snow"