//********************************************************************************** // // _ _ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ _ // | | | | | | | \/ | | | | \/ | | | // | |_| | ___ | |_ _ | . . | ___ | |_ _ | . . | ___ __| |___ // | _ |/ _ \| | | | | | |\/| |/ _ \| | | | | | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` / __| // | | | | (_) | | |_| | | | | | (_) | | |_| | | | | | (_) | (_| \__ \ // \_| |_/\___/|_|\__, | \_| |_/\___/|_|\__, | \_| |_/\___/ \__,_|___/ // __/ | __/ | // |___/ |___/ // // Website: http://www.holymolymods.com //********************************************************************************* // Coded for Openwarfare Mod by [105]HolyMoly // Custom Model by Sanya :) Thanks! //****************************************************************************** // GAMETYPE DESCRIPTION //****************************************************************************** // Everyone starts out as a Survivor. One player is picked as Infected and must infect // all the Survivors to win the match. Infected kills can only be with the knife. // Game ends when all players are Infected or time limit is reached and at least one // Survivor is still alive. //****************************************************************************** // INFECTION SETTINGS // ALL VARIABLES WORK IN RANKED AND UNRANKED MODES //****************************************************************************** // PLEASE REMEMBER TO UNCOMMENT THE LINES BY REMOVING THE DOUBLE SLASHES (//) // WHEN CHANGING A VALUE. PLEASE DO NOT UNCOMMENT LINES SET TO DEFAULT VALUES. //****************************************************************************** // Seconds it will take the player to respawn again once killed. // -1 = Instance respawn, 0 = 10 seconds, > 0 Time in seconds set scr_inf_playerrespawndelay "-1" // Time limit for each round. Round will finish once the time limit is reached. set scr_inf_timelimit "20" // Infection Countdown Timer // 5 - 60 seconds, Default = 10 // set scr_inf_pick_time "10" // Minimum Players to begin Infection // 2 - 10, Default = 3 // set scr_inf_min_players "3" // Time in seconds for map to rotate, if not enough players to start gametype // 0 = Disabled (default), 1-600 = Enabled // set scr_rotate_map_time_inf "60" // Minimum Players to start Message // "Not enough players to start Inf3ction" = Default // set scr_inf_nep_message "" // Limit the maximum number of claymores that can be planted by Survivors // 0 - 999 // 0 = None Allowed, Default = 6 // set scr_inf_limit_planted_claymores "6" // Limit the maximum number of C4s that can be planted by Survivors // 0 - 999 // 0 = None Allowed, Default = 6 // set scr_inf_limit_planted_c4s "6" // Disable Custon Infection Team Names & Logos // 0 = Enable( default ), 1 = Disabled ( Uses your custom names and teams ) // set scr_inf_custom_teams_disable "0" //****************************************************************************** // Survivor Team Dvars //****************************************************************************** // Survival Points for not being killed by an Infected Player, recieved after every teammate is killed // 0 - 1000 points, Default = 100 // set scr_inf_survival_points "100" // Survival Points for being the Last Survivor on your team // 0 - 1000 points, Default = 250 // set scr_inf_last_survivor_points "250" // Enable the Last Survivor to have a special weapon // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_last_survivor_weapon_enable "0" // Last Survivor special weapon if enabled // saw_mp;rpd_mp;m60e4_mp Default = "rpd_mp" // set scr_inf_last_survivor_weapon "saw_mp" // Give Last Survivor UAV with Enemy Ping // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_allow_last_survivor_enemy_ping "1" // Last Survivor kill points on every kill made ( + regular kill points ) // 0 - 1000 points, Default = 140 // set scr_inf_kill_points_last_survivor "140" // Count Last Survivor Respawns // Last Survivor will have limited respawns // Protects against intentional deaths to replenish ammo // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_count_respawns "1" // Last Survivor Respawns // Count respawns must be enabled // # of respawns that are not from bullets and infected explosions // Suicides and falling deaths are counted // 1 - 10, Default = 2 // set scr_inf_count_respawns_amount "2" //****************************** // Survivor Weapon & Perk Dvars //****************************** // Primary Weapon // winchester1200_mp;m1014_mp;mp5_mp;p90_mp, Default = winchester1200_mp // set scr_inf_sur_force_weapon "winchester1200_mp" // Secondary Weapon // c4_mp;claymore_mp;rpg_mp, Default = c4_mp // set scr_inf_sur_weapon_secondary "c4_mp" // Perk 1 // specialty_null;specialty_bulletdamage, Default = specialty_bulletdamage // set scr_inf_sur_specialty_slot0 "specialty_bulletdamage" // Perk 2 // specialty_null;specialty_fastreload;specialty_rof;specialty_explosivedamage, Default = specialty_fastreload // set scr_inf_sur_specialty_slot1 "specialty_fastreload" // Perk 3 // specialty_null;specialty_bulletaccuracy;specialty_bulletpenetration, Default = specialty_bulletaccuracy // set scr_inf_sur_specialty_slot2 "specialty_bulletaccuracy" //****************************************************************************** // Infected Team Dvars //****************************************************************************** // Infected Player Custom Model // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_use_infected_model "1" // Drop Ammo Bags on Infected kills // % chance an Ammo Bag will drop // 1 - 100% chance // 0 = Disabled, 50 = Default // set scr_inf_allow_ammo_bags "50" // Chance % Ammo Bag will have Primary Weapon Ammo // 0 = Always Secondary Ammo // 1 - 100% chance of being Primary Ammo, Default = 50 // set scr_inf_percent_primary_ammo_bag "50" // Ammo Bag Amounts // 0 = Max Ammo // 1 - 100, Up to X Random bullets for primary weapon, Default = 35 // Up to 3 bullets for Secondary Weapon( no adjustment ) // set scr_inf_rand_ammo_bag "35" // Ammo Bag Removal Time // 1 - 60 seconds, default = 15 // set scr_inf_ammo_bag_removal_time "15" // Ammo bag Messages // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_ammo_bag_messages "1" // Allow Ammo Bag drops from Hardpoint weapon kills // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_allow_hardpoint_ammobags "1" // Show Scavenger Icon when ammo bag is picked up // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_scavenger_icon "1" // Allow Death Sounds when killed // 0 = Disabled, 1 - 100% chance of hearing them - Default = 75% // set scr_inf_death_sounds "75" // Allow Attack Sounds when Melee // 0 = Disabled, 1 - 100% chance of hearing them - Default = 50% // set scr_inf_attack_sounds "50" // Allow Ambient Grunt Sounds // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_ambient_sounds "1" // Allow Scream on Infected Spawn // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_scream_on_spawn "1" // Allow Infected Vision // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Green( default ), 2 = Clear // set scr_inf_vision_infected_on "1" // Allow Infected Player to Burn // % chance of burning // 0 = Disabled, 1 - 100% chance of burning - Default = 10% // set scr_inf_infected_burn "10" // Infected Burn Pain Sounds // 0 = Diabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_infected_burn_sounds "1" // Allow ammo in Infected Weapon on Spawn // % chance it will have Ammo // 0 = Disabled, 1 - 100% chance of having Ammo - Default = 0 // set scr_inf_ammo_infected "0" // Ammo amounts in Infected Weapon if allowed // 0 = Random amounts ( 1 - 10 Bullets ) Default // 1 - 100, Exact amounts given every spawn // set scr_inf_infected_ammo_amount "0" // Move Speed of infected Player // 0.5 - 1.5, Default = 1.2 // set scr_inf_base_speed_infected "1.2" // Extra Points given after every kill ( + regular kill points ) // 0 - 1000 points, Default = 10 // set scr_inf_kill_points_infected "10" // Extra Points for Killing the last Survivor ( + regular & extra kill points ) // 0 - 1000 points, Default = 80 // set scr_inf_kill_points_infected_last_kill "80" // Allow Infected Player to use Hardpoint weapons // 0 = Diabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_allow_hardpoints_infected "0" // Knife Survivors more than once to kill them // 2 times for Survivors, 3 times for Last Survivor, with Max Health // 0 = Diabled, 1 = Enabled( default ) // set scr_inf_extra_knife_kill "0" //**************************** // Infected Weapon & Perk Dvars //**************************** // Primary Weapon // beretta_mp;colt45_mp;usp_mp;deserteagle_mp;deserteaglegold_mp, Default = beretta_mp // set scr_inf_force_weapon "beretta_mp"; // Perk 1 // specialty_null;specialty_detectexplosive, Default = specialty_null // set scr_inf_specialty_slot0 "specialty_null" // Perk 2 // specialty_null;specialty_specialty_gpsjammer, Default = specialty_null // set scr_inf_specialty_slot1 "specialty_null" // Perk 3 // specialty_null;specialty_quieter;specialty_longersprint, Default = specialty_quieter // set scr_inf_specialty_slot2 "specialty_quieter" //****************************** // Night Mode //****************************** // Night mode can be set for individual maps using the extended dvar method // set scr_inf_night_mode_mp_ ( On or Off ) // Settings for darkness can also be set up using the extended dvar for each map name // set scr_inf_night_mode_startDist_mp_ // set scr_inf_night_mode_halfwayDist_mp_ // the higher the values, the lighter the fog and the farther you will see // Night Mode // 0 = Disabled( Default ), 1 = Enabled // set scr_inf_night_mode "1" // Fog Start Distance // The distance, in world units, at which the fog begins // Default = 50 units ( 0 - 500 ) // set scr_inf_night_mode_startDist "50" // Fog Halfway Distance // The distance, beyond the startDist, at which the scene will be 50% fogged // Default = 700 units ( 0 - 1000 ) // set scr_inf_night_mode_halfwayDist "700"