14-06-23 02:04:21 @68629 [Devil] to ALL: Hi, I am a beginnr so forgive my stuff-ups :) 14-06-23 08:36:52 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: I'm in your bldg 14-06-23 08:37:11 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: nice leap 14-06-23 08:37:53 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: beetch 14-06-23 08:38:48 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: yes 14-06-23 08:39:06 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: I gotta bad attitude 14-06-23 08:39:14 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: u do? 14-06-23 08:39:22 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: why? 14-06-23 08:39:27 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: yup 14-06-23 08:39:35 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: cause I kill u? 14-06-23 08:39:40 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: you keep killing me 14-06-23 08:39:42 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: lol 14-06-23 08:40:06 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: I only got 17 min 14-06-23 08:40:13 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: I was just testing that clay to see if it meet specs 14-06-23 08:40:22 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: ok 14-06-23 08:40:55 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: still in there 14-06-23 08:41:04 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: me too 14-06-23 08:41:05 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: somewhere 14-06-23 08:41:20 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: omg scary 14-06-23 08:41:50 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: I think you liing 14-06-23 08:41:57 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: never 14-06-23 08:41:57 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: lying 14-06-23 08:43:16 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: lol nice 14-06-23 08:43:28 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: its a hack 14-06-23 08:43:41 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: lol 14-06-23 08:43:47 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: I am recording you 14-06-23 08:44:01 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: lol 14-06-23 08:45:13 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: whew 14-06-23 08:45:55 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: you dirty SOB 14-06-23 08:46:15 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: not nice 14-06-23 08:48:12 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: peek - a - boo 14-06-23 08:48:14 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: U mean 14-06-23 08:48:24 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: yes I am 14-06-23 08:50:18 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: nice 14-06-23 08:50:26 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: you let me shoot you 14-06-23 08:50:33 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: no 14-06-23 08:50:47 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: because I am blind and handicapped 14-06-23 08:51:20 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: your too nice 14-06-23 08:51:26 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: yo die now 14-06-23 08:54:32 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: your good 14-06-23 08:54:37 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: no 14-06-23 08:54:47 @27 [Expresso] to ALL: goota go 14-06-23 08:54:52 @7413 [/FH/NutSquasher] to ALL: see ya 14-06-24 10:22:14 @2315 [Nikolashero] to ALL: y5 14-06-24 19:30:10 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: ^2Marty and Last Stand NOT allowed 14-06-24 19:30:16 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: ^2 Nah, what's up DOC? 14-06-24 19:30:19 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: ^2Here I Come to Save the Day !! 14-06-24 19:30:19 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: ^2Beep Beep 14-06-24 19:30:20 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: ^2 TWEET TWEET TWEET 14-06-24 19:30:35 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: !b3 14-06-24 19:30:54 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: !admins 14-06-24 19:30:59 @27 [Emmett] to ALL: !help 14-06-25 17:19:28 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: can you please leave mydaisy 14-06-25 17:19:35 @63136 [{SB}NoDaisy] to ALL: sure 14-06-25 17:32:27 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: leave devils hound we are 1v1ing 14-06-25 17:32:35 @68828 [Devils Hound] to ALL: k 14-06-25 17:32:54 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: leave master kill we are 1v1ing 14-06-25 17:33:18 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: leave masterkill we are 1v1ing 14-06-25 17:38:25 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: leave archton 14-06-25 17:42:51 @28874 [Arch Stanton] to ALL: playin? 14-06-25 17:43:13 @28874 [Arch Stanton] to ALL: lol I guess that means yes 14-06-25 17:46:38 @63120 [mason] to ALL: hi 14-06-26 20:03:12 @68949 [27thmounti] to ALL: just like old times 14-06-27 01:02:51 @59533 [Sir_Fangar] to ALL: !register 14-06-27 16:37:18 @51321 [SoFarFromOptic] to ALL: PLEASE LEAVE 14-06-27 16:37:18 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: rob leave 14-06-27 16:37:21 @66913 [|FH|Rob101] to ALL: i understand you guys are 1v1 but please dont tell anyone to leave from now on 14-06-27 16:37:33 @51321 [SoFarFromOptic] to ALL: GOT IT 14-06-27 16:37:34 @66913 [|FH|Rob101] to ALL: !q3login 14-06-27 16:37:36 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: ok sorry 14-06-27 16:38:03 @66913 [|FH|Rob101] to ALL: and dont tell the owner of the server to leave like you just did 14-06-27 16:38:09 @66913 [|FH|Rob101] to ALL: not a good idea 14-06-27 16:38:12 @51321 [SoFarFromOptic] to ALL: KK 14-06-27 16:38:16 @51321 [SoFarFromOptic] to ALL: WHO IS OWNER 14-06-27 16:38:18 @66913 [|FH|Rob101] to ALL: me 14-06-27 16:38:22 @51321 [SoFarFromOptic] to ALL: oh sorry 14-06-27 16:38:31 @12409 [SoFarFromFaZe] to TEAM: ok 14-06-27 16:38:35 @66913 [|FH|Rob101] to ALL: yea... i read all the chats, next time you tell someone to leave, you will be leaving 14-06-27 16:38:48 @66913 [|FH|Rob101] to ALL: have fun 14-06-28 21:16:08 @68585 [kaushik] to ALL: r 14-06-29 22:51:55 @69182 [s0L1d] to ALL: cg_fov 90