18-07-09 10:57:34 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: !lnot @95298 18-07-09 10:58:17 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: !lookupgreeting 18-07-09 10:59:54 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: !greeting 18-07-12 16:35:54 @128063 [MaxRoyaL] to ALL: asssssa5sdddd5wwwwwwwwwwww w 18-07-13 09:20:01 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: hey 18-07-13 09:20:05 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: woot woot 18-07-13 09:20:12 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: sorry i didnt know silence isnt working here 18-07-13 09:20:19 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: dang 18-07-13 09:20:31 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: no biggy, can do it anyway 18-07-13 09:20:40 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: where are you from? 18-07-13 09:20:47 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: Sims and I are in Iowa 18-07-13 09:20:51 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: nice 18-07-13 09:21:04 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: You know he is my brother, yes? 18-07-13 09:21:08 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: noo 18-07-13 09:21:16 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: i am not online that often 18-07-13 09:21:20 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ahhh 18-07-13 09:21:26 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: Hamburg, Germany 18-07-13 09:21:38 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: different time zones 18-07-13 09:21:42 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: I am so /jealous 18-07-13 09:21:53 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: you use that ac unit to jump over? 18-07-13 09:22:09 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: on that ladder 18-07-13 09:22:19 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ladder always messes me on that attempt 18-07-13 09:22:31 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: lol 18-07-13 09:22:55 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: oh lame 18-07-13 09:23:22 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: I have some nerve damage in left side, just fyi. makes it a bit more challenging 18-07-13 09:23:34 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: in your hand? 18-07-13 09:23:50 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: arm/leg and spinal... car accident in 95 and 09 18-07-13 09:24:01 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: oh f*ck 18-07-13 09:24:17 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: worse things, I can walk so it is all good 18-07-13 09:24:31 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: playing CoD actually helps me keep good function 18-07-13 09:24:50 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: i had one 2 yrs ago. but not that hard 18-07-13 09:25:13 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: on the highway. we call it autobahn in germany 18-07-13 09:25:31 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: yeah, love the autobahn. no speed limits woot woot! 18-07-13 09:25:35 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: yes 18-07-13 09:25:48 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: my corpse pile is impressive heh 18-07-13 09:26:01 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: I used to date a german girl back in high school :) 18-07-13 09:26:07 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: and i crashed in the side while the floor was frozen 18-07-13 09:26:15 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: Ouchie 18-07-13 09:26:20 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: no flips at least? 18-07-13 09:26:29 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: with about 140 km/h.. but luckily no injuries 18-07-13 09:26:41 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: what are flips? 18-07-13 09:26:45 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: my first one a woman ran a red light and Tboned me 18-07-13 09:26:55 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: flips when a car flips over in accident I meant 18-07-13 09:27:10 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: noo luckily not 18-07-13 09:27:22 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: still going to work that day lol 18-07-13 09:27:24 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: next round for real, going to get you good 18-07-13 09:27:32 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: !maprotate 18-07-13 09:27:45 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: this or next map? 18-07-13 09:27:49 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: isnt mine 18-07-13 09:27:51 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: any is fine 18-07-13 09:27:57 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: ok we will try 18-07-13 09:28:14 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: sniping time? 18-07-13 09:28:23 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: this is snipe map heh 18-07-13 09:29:16 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: HATE dragunov omg 18-07-13 09:29:20 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: so inaccurate 18-07-13 09:29:27 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: would not use that snipe lol 18-07-13 09:29:41 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: just trying to get all the challenges 18-07-13 09:30:05 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: omg nice to get me while running like that 18-07-13 09:30:11 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: ty 18-07-13 09:30:21 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: tried a lot with my snipe lol 18-07-13 09:30:32 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: nice shot 18-07-13 09:30:45 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: hair slow lol, you almost had me 18-07-13 09:30:59 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: or since your german, Heir Slow lol 18-07-13 09:31:05 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: or it is Hier? 18-07-13 09:31:15 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol either way my language skills suck 18-07-13 09:31:22 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: what do you mean? 18-07-13 09:31:30 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: isnt Heir a title? 18-07-13 09:31:36 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: Here ist hier 18-07-13 09:31:56 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: or do you mean a different word? 18-07-13 09:32:01 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: I can tell a pretty gal I love her and if someone calls me a frog, that is my limit in german lol 18-07-13 09:32:14 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: haha 18-07-13 09:33:04 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol dang 18-07-13 09:33:09 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: almost got me 18-07-13 09:33:11 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: saw your feet but didnt get the shot 18-07-13 09:34:18 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: naah 18-07-13 09:34:46 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: grrr 18-07-13 09:34:54 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: nice spawn 18-07-13 09:35:01 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol not from this side of it 18-07-13 09:35:16 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: nice spawn 18-07-13 09:35:37 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: lol 18-07-13 09:35:43 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: wish I could target faster lol 18-07-13 09:35:43 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: was a nice one 18-07-13 09:36:14 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: almost 18-07-13 09:36:48 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: n1 18-07-13 09:36:56 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ty 18-07-13 09:37:25 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: Mmmmm got you gun! 18-07-13 09:37:29 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: saw it :( 18-07-13 09:38:25 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: almost dodged it, got hung up on truck :( 18-07-13 09:38:32 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: saw it lol 18-07-13 09:38:44 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: lol 18-07-13 09:38:45 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: LOL 18-07-13 09:38:50 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: foot sticking out>? 18-07-13 09:38:53 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: wall wasnt a wall lol 18-07-13 09:38:56 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: your back 18-07-13 09:39:03 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: that curve 18-07-13 09:39:08 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: :D 18-07-13 09:39:45 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: n1 18-07-13 09:39:47 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: ty 18-07-13 09:39:51 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ohh I had good spawn 18-07-13 09:39:52 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: another round? 18-07-13 09:39:58 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: yeah 18-07-13 09:40:03 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: !maprotate 18-07-13 09:40:17 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: i will show you another nice place 18-07-13 09:40:20 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: going ak this time 18-07-13 09:40:25 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: wait 18-07-13 09:40:31 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: come up 18-07-13 09:40:54 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: from the side 18-07-13 09:41:06 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: not climbing, jumping 18-07-13 09:41:07 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol 18-07-13 09:41:08 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: sidely 18-07-13 09:41:17 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: look at me 18-07-13 09:41:27 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: now going back 18-07-13 09:41:35 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: going back 18-07-13 09:41:37 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: and press jump 18-07-13 09:41:43 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: Ohhh slick 18-07-13 09:41:49 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: on the wood stick 18-07-13 09:42:15 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: not that 18-07-13 09:42:30 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: aah 18-07-13 09:42:48 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: see me? 18-07-13 09:42:50 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol I have nerve damage, what is your excuse? LOL 18-07-13 09:43:09 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: no alcohol today? lol 18-07-13 09:43:20 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: nice spot to be sure 18-07-13 09:43:23 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: yes 18-07-13 09:43:28 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: very open though 18-07-13 09:43:40 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: i can see the street 18-07-13 09:43:46 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: the spawn place 18-07-13 09:43:47 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: would be good 18-07-13 09:43:54 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: is great 18-07-13 09:44:05 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: wanna play now? 18-07-13 09:44:18 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: yeah, time to kill you 18-07-13 09:44:38 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: too slowly 18-07-13 09:45:39 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol figured you would come get me 18-07-13 09:45:44 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: I should switch ti snipe, not fair 18-07-13 09:45:47 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: aimedwith my snipe 18-07-13 09:45:48 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: noo 18-07-13 09:45:53 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: i will try 18-07-13 09:46:39 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol heard you in area, didnt know where 18-07-13 09:46:48 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: do you play with headset? 18-07-13 09:46:57 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ear buds, cant wear a headset 18-07-13 09:47:01 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: ok 18-07-13 09:47:15 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: they are decent, not as good but passable 18-07-13 09:47:22 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: yes 18-07-13 09:47:27 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: i am playing on a laptop 18-07-13 09:47:34 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: LOL n1 18-07-13 09:47:36 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: ty 18-07-13 09:47:46 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: using a desk top I built 18-07-13 09:48:07 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: nice 18-07-13 09:49:31 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol darn it 18-07-13 09:49:36 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: was being so sneaky 18-07-13 09:49:43 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: haha 18-07-13 09:49:52 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: headshot lol 18-07-13 09:50:02 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: dont touch my heli 18-07-13 09:50:13 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: I didnt, just my bullets 18-07-13 09:51:26 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: LOL 18-07-13 09:51:32 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: saw your feet 18-07-13 09:51:49 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: ouch 18-07-13 09:52:20 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: lol n1 18-07-13 09:52:27 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: wanted to get you one last time 18-07-13 09:52:37 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: changing a few bits dont advance map yet 18-07-13 09:53:14 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: Ok lets do this 18-07-13 09:57:38 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: bleh 18-07-13 09:57:48 @128083 [Leins] to ALL: outta ammo 18-07-13 09:57:56 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: heh 18-07-13 09:58:01 @128083 [Leins] to ALL: got new pc so level one ay 18-07-13 09:58:06 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: np 18-07-13 09:58:07 @128083 [Leins] to ALL: ^1yeww 18-07-13 09:58:23 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: sorry dude 18-07-13 09:58:24 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: there you are hoax 18-07-13 09:58:27 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: was wondering 18-07-13 09:58:28 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: got kicking out 18-07-13 09:58:38 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: someone is using your CD key" lol" 18-07-13 09:58:41 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: lol 18-07-13 09:58:45 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ? 18-07-13 10:02:07 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: the dead comes from above lol 18-07-13 10:02:25 @128083 [Leins] to ALL: SCared the shit outta me aahahahah 18-07-13 10:02:34 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: sorry !! :D 18-07-13 10:02:55 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: !list 18-07-13 10:02:57 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: !alias 5 18-07-13 10:03:01 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: !alias 6 18-07-13 10:04:00 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: lol 18-07-13 10:04:02 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: spawn kill 18-07-13 10:05:29 @128083 [Leins] to ALL: ^6GG 18-07-13 10:05:30 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: well deserved good work 18-07-13 10:06:17 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: wanna see one more spot? 18-07-13 10:06:24 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: sure, where 18-07-13 10:06:30 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: Leins? 18-07-13 10:06:32 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: truce leins 18-07-13 10:06:37 @128083 [Leins] to ALL: aight 18-07-13 10:06:55 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ha nice 18-07-13 10:06:59 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: wait for it 18-07-13 10:07:19 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: Omg through wall? 18-07-13 10:07:21 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: evil 18-07-13 10:07:21 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: yes 18-07-13 10:07:38 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: you can see through it 18-07-13 10:08:05 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: you can go to the other one too 18-07-13 10:08:55 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: Omg tiny tiny ledge 18-07-13 10:09:00 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: yes 18-07-13 10:09:11 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: need a bit time 18-07-13 10:09:20 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: slowly slowly 18-07-13 10:09:44 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: ah well, lets kill each other 18-07-13 10:09:53 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: heh 18-07-13 10:10:06 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: laughing my azz off 18-07-13 10:10:14 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: haha 18-07-13 10:12:57 @128083 [Leins] to ALL: ping ey 18-07-13 10:14:38 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: sorry guys. my lunch is ready 18-07-13 10:14:49 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: is NP was fun hoax 18-07-13 10:14:56 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: yeah 18-07-13 10:15:05 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: should do another round the next days 18-07-13 10:15:11 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: see you in the FFA server! 18-07-13 10:15:17 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: always 18-07-13 10:15:24 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: bb 18-07-13 10:15:27 @59292 [FH|HoaX*] to ALL: have a good weekend 18-07-13 10:16:05 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: heh 18-07-13 10:16:33 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: I saw you abusing my corpse! omg your sicko! lol 18-07-13 10:18:09 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: gg 18-07-13 10:18:25 @22864 [tall1greg] to ALL: time to go stretch my legs, was fun :) 18-07-15 14:31:16 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: cg_draw fps 1 18-07-15 14:31:21 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 14:31:25 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: type in the console mate 18-07-15 14:31:31 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: and put a slash before it 18-07-15 14:31:54 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: tks 18-07-15 14:32:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 14:33:22 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: whats ur fps? 18-07-15 14:33:43 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: 01 18-07-15 14:33:50 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: 91 18-07-15 14:33:51 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: 1? 18-07-15 14:33:53 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh lol 18-07-15 14:33:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: do these commands 18-07-15 14:34:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: they will help 18-07-15 14:34:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you ready? 18-07-15 14:34:13 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: ready 18-07-15 14:34:33 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: do /com_maxfps 0 18-07-15 14:34:44 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: then /snaps 30 18-07-15 14:35:09 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: what will that do 18-07-15 14:35:15 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: refreshes the cames snaps 18-07-15 14:35:18 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: he max is 30 18-07-15 14:35:22 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: makes things update faster 18-07-15 14:35:30 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: and having your fps at 0 lifts the max fps 18-07-15 14:35:34 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i get around 800 fps rn 18-07-15 14:36:39 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: wow 18-07-15 14:36:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: so gay 18-07-15 14:36:46 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 14:36:56 @533 [Mort] to ALL: yo!! 18-07-15 14:37:03 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: hi 18-07-15 14:37:08 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yo 18-07-15 14:37:53 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: really mort 18-07-15 14:37:55 @533 [Mort] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 14:37:55 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: what are you doing... 18-07-15 14:38:05 @533 [Mort] to ALL: what u mean? 18-07-15 14:38:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: noob tubes 18-07-15 14:38:10 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 14:38:15 @533 [Mort] to ALL: since when? 18-07-15 14:38:21 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: since what? 18-07-15 14:38:38 @533 [Mort] to ALL: ok then i dont want to piss anyone off 18-07-15 14:38:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: haha 18-07-15 14:38:45 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: no mate im kidding 18-07-15 14:38:48 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: play how you wanna 18-07-15 14:38:50 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: tubes allowed 18-07-15 14:38:55 @533 [Mort] to ALL: nooooooooooooooooo 18-07-15 14:39:02 @533 [Mort] to ALL: bastige!! 18-07-15 14:39:31 @533 [Mort] to ALL: yur going to pay 18-07-15 14:40:30 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: my god 18-07-15 14:40:33 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: no skill i swear 18-07-15 14:40:48 @533 [Mort] to ALL: i thought that was very skillful 18-07-15 14:41:51 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: our just to good 18-07-15 14:42:35 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: haha nah mate 18-07-15 14:42:38 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: game has been out ages 18-07-15 14:42:46 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: WHAT THE 18-07-15 14:42:48 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i was frozen 18-07-15 14:42:49 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hah 18-07-15 14:42:53 @533 [Mort] to ALL: ^2Affirmative 18-07-15 14:42:56 @533 [Mort] to ALL: QUICKMESSAGE_COME_ON 18-07-15 14:43:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hes in the bathroom 18-07-15 14:43:43 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you in the bathroom still 18-07-15 14:43:45 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lone 18-07-15 14:43:56 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: no looking for you 18-07-15 14:43:57 @533 [Mort] to ALL: it stinks in here 18-07-15 14:44:37 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: so bad my god im getting off 18-07-15 14:44:43 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: kids playing like this on a 10 year old game in 2018 18-07-15 14:45:00 @533 [Mort] to ALL: yea and im 68 too lol 18-07-15 14:45:15 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: not everyone has been playing it that long like you 18-07-15 14:45:32 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: its a joke mate 18-07-15 14:45:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: sang it 18-07-15 14:45:45 @533 [Mort] to ALL: gg 18-07-15 14:46:05 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: first time touching this game 18-07-15 14:46:06 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: wish i had an ak74u 18-07-15 14:46:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yo lets do shotguns 18-07-15 14:46:11 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: its killhosuse haha 18-07-15 14:46:20 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i dont have shotguns 18-07-15 14:46:35 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i dont have shotties 18-07-15 14:46:41 @533 [Mort] to ALL: use the defalut 18-07-15 14:50:07 @533 [Mort] to ALL: ^2Affirmative 18-07-15 14:52:29 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: is it just me, or does it seem easier to die than usual 18-07-15 14:53:06 @533 [Mort] to ALL: gg 18-07-15 14:53:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: gg dads 18-07-15 14:53:17 @533 [Mort] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 14:53:20 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: dad? 18-07-15 14:53:23 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: haha idk mate 18-07-15 14:53:25 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: just saying words 18-07-15 14:53:34 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i kinda wanna play pubg 18-07-15 14:53:37 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: game old 18-07-15 14:53:40 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: y 18-07-15 14:53:42 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i could join 18-07-15 14:53:58 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you got pubg lol 18-07-15 14:54:02 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: shall we? 18-07-15 14:54:26 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: how tf do i find your steam id 18-07-15 14:54:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you got a mic lol 18-07-15 14:54:38 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i gotta mic 18-07-15 14:54:48 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: gotta grab my headset though 18-07-15 14:54:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you an adult hahahaha 18-07-15 14:55:11 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: wouldnt really classify myself as that 18-07-15 14:55:14 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: young adult, then yes 18-07-15 14:55:40 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: like a kid or 18-07-15 14:55:46 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: more like 24 18-07-15 14:55:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh okaly lol 18-07-15 14:56:13 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: yeah i cant play this game for shit 18-07-15 14:56:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: counter strike, sure 18-07-15 14:56:21 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: but this 18-07-15 14:56:22 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: !lids 18-07-15 14:56:23 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: jesus christ 18-07-15 14:56:26 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahah i like cs 18-07-15 14:56:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: cod4 is good 18-07-15 14:56:31 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: good movment 18-07-15 14:56:46 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: can u bunny hop in this? i dont think s 18-07-15 14:56:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you can lol 18-07-15 14:56:51 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: nope 18-07-15 14:56:52 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: strafe lol 18-07-15 14:56:53 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: yes 18-07-15 14:56:55 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: oh! 18-07-15 14:56:58 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: haha 18-07-15 14:57:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: come here ill show you 18-07-15 14:57:10 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: here is where 18-07-15 14:57:17 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: middle where heli is 18-07-15 14:57:19 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: im behind you 18-07-15 14:57:45 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahah lol 18-07-15 14:58:10 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: wow 18-07-15 14:58:15 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: m8 wtf 18-07-15 14:58:36 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: really 18-07-15 14:58:42 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i fail to see the strafe 18-07-15 14:58:49 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: mate 18-07-15 14:58:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah i suck 18-07-15 14:58:51 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: fk me 18-07-15 14:58:52 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: hahahaha 18-07-15 14:59:05 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: just tell me the basic 18-07-15 14:59:09 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ill give it a shot 18-07-15 14:59:13 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: uh haha 18-07-15 14:59:22 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: this server feels wack tbh 18-07-15 14:59:26 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: like the settings 18-07-15 14:59:36 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: but in promod you can like jump and move with no slowdown 18-07-15 14:59:45 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ahhhh that explains 18-07-15 14:59:55 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: im not use to norma lservers 18-07-15 15:00:00 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: but this is all thats online these days 18-07-15 15:00:09 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: quick question, you're getting a solid 30 ping. here i am with 180 18-07-15 15:00:13 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah 18-07-15 15:00:15 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: where are you 18-07-15 15:00:18 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: cali 18-07-15 15:00:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: im in fkin malaysia 18-07-15 15:00:23 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lmao 18-07-15 15:00:26 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: 180 isnt bad 18-07-15 15:00:32 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: for malaysia 18-07-15 15:00:41 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: surprisingly. I thought this was a China or India server 18-07-15 15:00:43 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: or at least UK 18-07-15 15:00:46 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: but cali 18-07-15 15:00:48 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: good lord 18-07-15 15:00:51 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: is it really lol 18-07-15 15:00:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: didnt know it was cali 18-07-15 15:01:03 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: server is in cali 18-07-15 15:01:40 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i bought this game in summer sales just to try the story 18-07-15 15:01:47 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah i did too tbh 18-07-15 15:01:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: just back into steam 18-07-15 15:02:50 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: there she goes 18-07-15 15:03:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yo admin 18-07-15 15:03:55 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: that spray pattern 18-07-15 15:03:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: can you edit in game dvars 18-07-15 15:04:02 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: yes 18-07-15 15:04:05 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: no way 18-07-15 15:04:11 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: or was that yes to callingyou 18-07-15 15:04:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:04:24 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i think its yes to calling 18-07-15 15:04:27 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah 18-07-15 15:04:28 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: it was 18-07-15 15:04:33 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: can you edit dvars? 18-07-15 15:04:35 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i would be surprised if he could edit 18-07-15 15:04:45 @82400 [FH-lonewolf] to ALL: no 18-07-15 15:04:47 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: dang 18-07-15 15:04:48 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: AHA 18-07-15 15:05:23 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: im just enjoying lookin at this game 18-07-15 15:05:29 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: why haha 18-07-15 15:05:32 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: graphics are so old 18-07-15 15:05:38 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: nostalgic 18-07-15 15:05:57 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: the quickscope and shit 18-07-15 15:06:00 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: haha 18-07-15 15:06:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: what does fhs tand for you think 18-07-15 15:06:17 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: FH* 18-07-15 15:06:23 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ......hmm 18-07-15 15:06:34 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: lets see 18-07-15 15:06:53 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: fh 18-07-15 15:06:56 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: id say 18-07-15 15:07:04 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: fuck home 18-07-15 15:07:06 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh 18-07-15 15:07:08 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: jk 18-07-15 15:07:08 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: forgotten heroes 18-07-15 15:07:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:07:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: says right tehre hahaha 18-07-15 15:07:18 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: im fkin blind 18-07-15 15:07:21 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh lol 18-07-15 15:07:22 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: me too 18-07-15 15:07:31 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: my lord 18-07-15 15:07:34 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: the recoil 18-07-15 15:07:57 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: you look wack 18-07-15 15:07:59 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: wtf 18-07-15 15:08:00 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i know 18-07-15 15:08:00 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: XD 18-07-15 15:08:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahaha 18-07-15 15:08:19 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: looool 18-07-15 15:08:21 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: gotta love these games 18-07-15 15:08:38 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: OH 18-07-15 15:08:43 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: YOU CAN EVEN LEAN IN MULTIPLAYER 18-07-15 15:08:51 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i thought it would only be in single 18-07-15 15:09:12 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: old time cheats 18-07-15 15:09:43 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: BRUH 18-07-15 15:09:45 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: WHT 18-07-15 15:09:47 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: WHY 18-07-15 15:09:53 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: HEY THIS MAP 18-07-15 15:10:00 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i just played it like 30 mins ago 18-07-15 15:10:03 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: finished the story 18-07-15 15:10:10 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh haha 18-07-15 15:10:25 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yOH 18-07-15 15:10:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: bruh 18-07-15 15:10:30 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: there goes the 180 flick 18-07-15 15:10:32 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i just did a 180 18-07-15 15:10:41 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: turned around just in time to see it 18-07-15 15:10:55 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: time 18-07-15 15:10:57 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: WHAT 18-07-15 15:10:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: type TIME 18-07-15 15:11:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahahaha 18-07-15 15:11:03 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: time 18-07-15 15:11:03 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: time 18-07-15 15:11:04 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: ime 18-07-15 15:11:06 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:11:09 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: jesus 18-07-15 15:11:18 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: im twelve hours ahead 18-07-15 15:11:21 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: time 18-07-15 15:11:23 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: wow 18-07-15 15:11:25 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: hello from the future 18-07-15 15:11:30 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: its the 16th for me 18-07-15 15:11:38 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: do i make a good money in the future 18-07-15 15:11:52 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i foresee you do 18-07-15 15:11:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:11:58 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i just finished a program 18-07-15 15:11:59 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: wait do you not have work 18-07-15 15:12:00 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: so we shall see 18-07-15 15:12:03 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ah 18-07-15 15:12:06 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: talk about timing 18-07-15 15:12:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahaha 18-07-15 15:12:19 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah program took a few weeks to design everything like the video, thread, etc 18-07-15 15:12:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: im in fkin digital marketing 18-07-15 15:12:24 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: numbers ruining my head 18-07-15 15:12:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahaha 18-07-15 15:12:44 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: HAHA 18-07-15 15:12:54 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: AYY THANKS 18-07-15 15:12:57 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: I GOT SNIPER CLASS 18-07-15 15:13:19 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh no kids are connecting 18-07-15 15:13:29 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: gad dem 18-07-15 15:13:34 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i was just enjoying the feel of the game 18-07-15 15:13:44 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: lets see if i can snipe im 18-07-15 15:14:03 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: BRUH WRONG MAN 18-07-15 15:14:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahah he left 18-07-15 15:15:00 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: Nah mate 18-07-15 15:15:05 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: roberto is here 18-07-15 15:15:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:15:14 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: jesus i cant see at all 18-07-15 15:15:20 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: legit saw your head at the last moment 18-07-15 15:15:30 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: lemme check my brightness 18-07-15 15:15:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you have a good pc? 18-07-15 15:15:43 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ah yes 18-07-15 15:15:45 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: it was too high 18-07-15 15:15:50 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i see much clearer now 18-07-15 15:15:58 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i would like to say its good. its a lappy 18-07-15 15:16:01 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: not a pc 18-07-15 15:16:04 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh laptop haha 18-07-15 15:16:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:16:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: graphic card? 18-07-15 15:16:30 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: gtx 1060, I7-7700 18-07-15 15:16:36 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: in a laptop wut 18-07-15 15:16:43 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ssd something, i forgot that part 18-07-15 15:16:47 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: MSI 18-07-15 15:16:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh msi lol 18-07-15 15:16:54 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: for me its 6.4 grand 18-07-15 15:16:56 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: for you..... 18-07-15 15:16:59 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: divide by four 18-07-15 15:17:04 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: uh 18-07-15 15:17:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: 6.4 grand for that... 18-07-15 15:17:10 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: 1.6 grand 18-07-15 15:17:14 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: eh not bad 18-07-15 15:17:17 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i have gtx 1080 ti 18-07-15 15:17:23 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: 8700k i8 18-07-15 15:17:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: 1tb ssd 18-07-15 15:17:42 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: oh my lord 18-07-15 15:17:45 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: what 18-07-15 15:17:45 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: pc is heaven 18-07-15 15:17:48 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:17:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah this game i get like 800 fps or something 18-07-15 15:17:58 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i have a 240 hz monitor too 18-07-15 15:18:07 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: im only getting a solid 240 18-07-15 15:18:15 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: monitor T.T 18-07-15 15:18:15 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you do the settings for it? 18-07-15 15:18:17 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: like in the console 18-07-15 15:18:28 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: never messed with console 18-07-15 15:18:32 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oh you should 18-07-15 15:18:35 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you could help your game a lot 18-07-15 15:18:44 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i mean....its just cod 4 18-07-15 15:18:47 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: XDD 18-07-15 15:18:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: well you put the fps to high 18-07-15 15:18:57 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: it will work way better 18-07-15 15:19:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: type the key next to your 1" key" 18-07-15 15:19:14 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: com_maxfps 1000 18-07-15 15:19:19 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: put it to 0 18-07-15 15:19:21 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: not 1000 18-07-15 15:19:31 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ah 18-07-15 15:19:45 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i like how you saw me type 1000 18-07-15 15:19:47 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: hahha 18-07-15 15:19:50 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: one moment 18-07-15 15:19:53 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol you said it in chat mate 18-07-15 15:19:54 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: com_maxfps 0 18-07-15 15:19:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you said it right here lol 18-07-15 15:20:13 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: com_maxfps0 18-07-15 15:20:18 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: how the... 18-07-15 15:20:20 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: thats not console mate haha 18-07-15 15:20:34 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: walk me through this 18-07-15 15:20:37 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: im still used to cs 18-07-15 15:20:38 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hit the key 18-07-15 15:20:42 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: done 18-07-15 15:20:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: next to your 1' key" 18-07-15 15:20:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: its like a little sqwiggle line 18-07-15 15:20:53 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: yeap yeap 18-07-15 15:20:56 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: then type 18-07-15 15:21:02 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: this /com_maxfps 0 18-07-15 15:21:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: ass slash before it 18-07-15 15:21:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: add* 18-07-15 15:21:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: AHAHHHH 18-07-15 15:21:24 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i was lacking the slash 18-07-15 15:21:24 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: then do uhm /snaps 30 18-07-15 15:21:36 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: then /com_maxpackets 100 18-07-15 15:21:41 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: what's snaps 18-07-15 15:21:43 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: never heard of it 18-07-15 15:21:43 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: then /cg_fov 80 18-07-15 15:21:49 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: refresh rate 18-07-15 15:22:23 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: when i changed the FOV 18-07-15 15:22:30 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: my frames went from 280 to 180 18-07-15 15:22:34 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: looool 18-07-15 15:22:36 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: dang 18-07-15 15:22:40 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: more fov i guess messes it up 18-07-15 15:22:48 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: yeahhh 18-07-15 15:22:54 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: standard is? 60? 65? 18-07-15 15:22:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah 65 18-07-15 15:23:04 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: type this /reset cg_fov 18-07-15 15:23:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: it will reset to default 18-07-15 15:23:14 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: done 18-07-15 15:23:18 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you do the packets one? 18-07-15 15:23:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: and im back to 280 18-07-15 15:23:20 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: and snaps 18-07-15 15:23:21 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: ? 18-07-15 15:23:30 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: missed out on the packet 18-07-15 15:23:35 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: what was it? 18-07-15 15:23:37 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: do /com_maxpackets 100 18-07-15 15:24:01 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: unknown comman mate 18-07-15 15:24:15 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: gimme a sec 18-07-15 15:24:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: oops 18-07-15 15:24:20 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: its /cl_maxpackets 100 18-07-15 15:24:52 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: done 18-07-15 15:25:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yo 18-07-15 15:25:18 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: when i say 18-07-15 15:25:21 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: shoot me 18-07-15 15:25:29 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: stay there 18-07-15 15:25:30 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: shoot 18-07-15 15:25:34 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: weird 18-07-15 15:25:45 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: whats up 18-07-15 15:25:52 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: do it out side the door maybe 18-07-15 15:26:13 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahaha 18-07-15 15:26:15 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: thats fked up 18-07-15 15:26:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: it working? 18-07-15 15:26:31 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: uh 18-07-15 15:26:33 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: wut 18-07-15 15:26:34 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahha 18-07-15 15:27:00 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: the light 18-07-15 15:27:03 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: get a little begind it 18-07-15 15:27:08 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: awh 18-07-15 15:27:12 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: the first few shots misse 18-07-15 15:27:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: it worked for a second 18-07-15 15:28:05 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ayy 18-07-15 15:28:12 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ahhhh 18-07-15 15:28:14 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: okay so it works kinds good 18-07-15 15:28:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: kinda* 18-07-15 15:28:18 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: follow me 18-07-15 15:28:45 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: something tells me 18-07-15 15:28:51 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: youve played this for more than a while 18-07-15 15:28:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:28:57 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: since release 18-07-15 15:29:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i played professional 18-07-15 15:29:04 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: good lord my bad 18-07-15 15:29:09 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: didnt realize its one shot 18-07-15 15:29:13 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah itsh ardcore 18-07-15 15:29:18 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hardcore is the only servers online rn 18-07-15 15:29:21 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: played since release 18-07-15 15:29:23 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: and played pro 18-07-15 15:29:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lola 18-07-15 15:29:32 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: its been a while tho 18-07-15 15:29:33 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: wbh 18-07-15 15:29:36 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: tbh* 18-07-15 15:29:40 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: im pretty good at pubg 18-07-15 15:29:44 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: you still seem fine bruh 18-07-15 15:29:52 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: follow me 18-07-15 15:30:45 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: someone is here 18-07-15 15:30:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: did oyu see it haha 18-07-15 15:30:55 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: its the same guy 18-07-15 15:31:16 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: yo idiot 18-07-15 15:31:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: zeis chill mate 18-07-15 15:31:19 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: just having fun 18-07-15 15:31:25 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: we aint murdering 18-07-15 15:31:27 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: im bout to kick him 18-07-15 15:31:34 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: LEMME LEARN THE BEAUTY OF THIS GAME 18-07-15 15:31:38 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: YA DICK 18-07-15 15:31:38 @123401 [zeischgl] to ALL: what? 18-07-15 15:31:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahaha 18-07-15 15:31:49 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: stop sweating dude 18-07-15 15:31:52 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: relax lol 18-07-15 15:32:13 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i have a 2.96 ratior 18-07-15 15:32:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: and he leaves hahahaha 18-07-15 15:32:36 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: ight come to me 18-07-15 15:32:41 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: if i can find you 18-07-15 15:33:33 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: okay theres a boucne right here 18-07-15 15:33:35 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: bounce* 18-07-15 15:33:47 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: bounce? 18-07-15 15:33:49 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: meaning? 18-07-15 15:34:00 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: watch 18-07-15 15:34:02 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: his is a baby one 18-07-15 15:34:08 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: you see it 18-07-15 15:34:09 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: yeap 18-07-15 15:34:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: so sclose 18-07-15 15:34:32 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: wow 18-07-15 15:35:04 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: still dont understand how you die 18-07-15 15:35:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: idk dude 18-07-15 15:35:11 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: BOOM 18-07-15 15:35:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: nice 18-07-15 15:35:13 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ayyyyy 18-07-15 15:35:15 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: jesus 18-07-15 15:35:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahahaha 18-07-15 15:35:22 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: how does the physics engine work 18-07-15 15:35:29 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: idk its a massive glitch in there engine 18-07-15 15:35:32 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: why would that register as bounce 18-07-15 15:35:35 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: every map has dozens of bounces 18-07-15 15:35:47 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: and how would one utilize this in an actual fight 18-07-15 15:35:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: we use it to get into glitches haha 18-07-15 15:35:56 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: and look cool 18-07-15 15:35:57 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:36:01 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ahhhh 18-07-15 15:36:04 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: we use it all the time in promod 18-07-15 15:36:08 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: for movement and stuff 18-07-15 15:36:20 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: why 18-07-15 15:36:31 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: dang it 18-07-15 15:36:35 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: yeah that is kinda hila......mate 18-07-15 15:36:40 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hila? 18-07-15 15:36:46 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: hilarious 18-07-15 15:36:51 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: whhhhhhhh 18-07-15 15:36:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: bruh 18-07-15 15:36:57 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: how am i missing it 18-07-15 15:37:02 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i dont get it haha 18-07-15 15:37:08 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i aim here 18-07-15 15:37:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: you're heading abit too far to the right 18-07-15 15:37:35 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: but im not even getting close 18-07-15 15:37:39 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: unless im juping to soon 18-07-15 15:37:43 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: jump here maybe? 18-07-15 15:37:53 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol 18-07-15 15:38:01 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: look at the amount of dead jakes 18-07-15 15:38:08 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahaha 18-07-15 15:38:24 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: didnt hit the bounce tho 18-07-15 15:38:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: why god 18-07-15 15:38:46 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: you've been pampered by promod 18-07-15 15:38:51 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: XD 18-07-15 15:38:56 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah its hard in this server tbh 18-07-15 15:39:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i guess im not use to normal 18-07-15 15:39:02 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: anymore 18-07-15 15:39:15 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: OH 18-07-15 15:39:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: fkin midair 18-07-15 15:40:49 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i am camouflaged 18-07-15 15:40:49 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: cant even see you 18-07-15 15:40:52 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: by the jakes 18-07-15 15:40:53 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: look 18-07-15 15:41:01 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ayyy 18-07-15 15:41:08 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahahahaha 18-07-15 15:42:11 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: almost made it 18-07-15 15:42:24 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: rule #8, do not bind fire, to scroll wheel? 18-07-15 15:42:26 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: why's that? 18-07-15 15:42:27 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahaha 18-07-15 15:42:29 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: cheating 18-07-15 15:42:35 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: wot 18-07-15 15:42:37 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ohhhh 18-07-15 15:42:42 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: for semiauto weapons? 18-07-15 15:42:45 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah 18-07-15 15:42:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: cause each click does a shoot 18-07-15 15:42:51 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: lemme give it a shot 18-07-15 15:42:54 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: so you can spray 18-07-15 15:43:03 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: says dont do it 18-07-15 15:43:04 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: does it 18-07-15 15:43:05 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: HAHAH 18-07-15 15:43:10 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: wow 18-07-15 15:43:15 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: des sum gud shit 18-07-15 15:43:48 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: kill me i wanna see 18-07-15 15:43:57 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: do it again 18-07-15 15:44:10 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: theres no kill cam 18-07-15 15:44:11 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: sad face 18-07-15 15:44:19 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: cuz the hardcore problem 18-07-15 15:44:24 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: why is there only hardcore online? 18-07-15 15:44:26 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i dont get it 18-07-15 15:44:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: idk tbh 18-07-15 15:44:47 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: only two servers online i think 18-07-15 15:44:53 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: game is so dead haha 18-07-15 15:44:55 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: TWOOO??? 18-07-15 15:44:57 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: ONLY? 18-07-15 15:44:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: strike is next its got good bounce 18-07-15 15:45:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah i think 18-07-15 15:45:06 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: two i can see on update 1.8 18-07-15 15:45:09 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: show me the bounce areas 18-07-15 15:45:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i will haha 18-07-15 15:45:14 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: leggo 18-07-15 15:45:15 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: theres a few 18-07-15 15:46:01 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahah 18-07-15 15:46:34 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: there 18-07-15 15:46:35 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: haha 18-07-15 15:47:29 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: bruh 18-07-15 15:47:35 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: jump 18-07-15 15:47:37 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: or jsut run? 18-07-15 15:47:41 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: jump 18-07-15 15:47:50 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hard one to hit tbj 18-07-15 15:47:52 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: tbh 18-07-15 15:47:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: again we need cod jumper or promod settings 18-07-15 15:48:10 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: imma get this 18-07-15 15:49:00 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: ight come with me 18-07-15 15:50:24 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: WHATS THAT BLAST RADIUS 18-07-15 15:50:28 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: bad 18-07-15 15:50:29 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahah 18-07-15 15:50:52 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: hahahahaha 18-07-15 15:50:55 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: batman 18-07-15 15:50:56 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: very dark 18-07-15 15:51:10 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: i supposed thats a popular camping spot 18-07-15 15:51:14 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah 18-07-15 15:51:16 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: its really good 18-07-15 15:52:15 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: dude i hate this server 18-07-15 15:52:17 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: i hate it so much lol 18-07-15 15:52:20 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: XD 18-07-15 15:53:00 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: leaning shows a lot of the legs tho 18-07-15 15:53:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: haha 18-07-15 15:53:13 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yeah its not like pubg leaning 18-07-15 15:53:26 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: yeah pubg is legit head 18-07-15 15:54:56 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: is it really possible though 18-07-15 15:54:58 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: yes 18-07-15 15:54:59 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: it is 18-07-15 15:55:00 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: the awning above seems to block 18-07-15 15:55:05 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: it does 18-07-15 15:55:07 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: have to jump just right 18-07-15 15:55:12 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: need 333 fps to do some stuff 18-07-15 15:55:22 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: dont tell me 18-07-15 15:55:26 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: mid air 18-07-15 15:55:31 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: 360 haha 18-07-15 15:55:34 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: god dem 18-07-15 15:56:05 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: its unrealistic in servers liek this 18-07-15 15:56:09 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: youll never see a kid make that haha 18-07-15 15:56:23 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: argh 18-07-15 15:56:39 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: shipment is next haha 18-07-15 15:56:42 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: smallest map in the game 18-07-15 15:56:48 @128163 [Sweapea] to ALL: got them bounces tho? 18-07-15 15:56:53 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: no lol 18-07-15 15:57:02 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: may have one 18-07-15 15:57:37 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: gg 18-07-15 15:57:38 @127449 [Jake] to ALL: lol